Zheng Xie


Photographed at XJTU in 2016

解铮, Ph.D.   ✉️

Currently, I am with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

I obtained my Ph.D. degree from LAMDA Group at Nanjing University in September 2023, supervised by Prof. Ming Li. Before that, I received my B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology in June 2016 from Xi’an Jiaotong University.

Research Interests. I am interested in topics of machine learning, especially the following aspects:

  • AUC Optimization: building models for maximizing AUC from clean or potentially noisy, imbalanced, not fully supervised data.
  • Weakly Supervised Learning: dealing with inaccurate, incomplete, inexact supervisions, including positive-unlabeled learning, semi-supervised learning, noisy label learning, etc.
  • Learning under Distribution Change: building models for tasks whose test data distribution is different from the training data distribution, including data selection bias, covariate shift, domain adaptation, etc.


  1. RecSys
    Ranking-Aware Unbiased Post-Click Conversion Rate Estimation via AUC Optimization on Entire Exposure Space
    Yu Liu, Qinglin Jia, Shuting Shi, Chuhan Wu, Zhaocheng Du,  Zheng Xie, Ruiming Tang, Muyu Zhang, and Ming Li
    In The 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 2024.
  2. ICML
    Ambiguity-Aware Abductive Learning
    Hao-Yuan He, Hui Sun,  Zheng Xie, and Ming Li
    In The 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, 2024.
  3. TPAMI
    Weakly Supervised AUC Optimization: A Unified Partial AUC Approach
    Zheng Xie, Yu Liu, Hao-Yuan He, Ming Li, and Zhi-Hua Zhou
    IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024.
  4. AAAI
    AUC Optimization from Multiple Unlabeled Datasets
    Zheng Xie, Yu Liu, and Ming Li
    In The 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.
  5. FCS
    Top Pass: Improve Code Generation by Pass@k-Maximized Code Ranking
    Zhi-Cun Lyu, Xin-Ye Li,  Zheng Xie, and Ming Li
    Frontiers of Computer Science, 2024.
  6. ARXIV
    Think Outside the Code: Brainstorming Boosts Large Language Models in Code Generation
    Xin-Ye Li, Jiang-Tian Xue,  Zheng Xie, and Ming Li
    In preprint, 2024.
  7. ICDM
    Beyond Lexical Consistency: Preserving Semantic Consistency for Program Translation
    Yali Du, Yi-Fan Ma,  Zheng Xie, and Ming Li
    In The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2023.
  8. AAAI
    Cooperative and Adversarial Learning: Co-Enhancing Discriminability and Transferability in Domain Adaptation
    Hui Sun,  Zheng Xie, Xin-Ye Li, and Ming Li
    In The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
  9. AAAI
    Semi-Supervised Learning with Support Isolation by Small-Paced Self-Training
    Zheng Xie, Hui Sun, and Ming Li
    In The 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
  10. IJCAI
    Cutting the Software Building Efforts in Continuous Integration by Semi-Supervised Online AUC Optimization
    Zheng Xie, and Ming Li
    In The 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.
  11. AAAI
    Semi-Supervised AUC Optimization without Guessing Labels of Unlabeled Data
    Zheng Xie, and Ming Li
    In The 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018.
  12. JOS
    Cost-Sensitive Margin Distribution Optimization for Software Bug Localization
    Zheng Xie, and Ming Li
    Journal of Software, 2017.
  13. ICMC
    Music Style Analysis among Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven: an Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach
    Ru Wen,  Zheng Xie, Kai Chen, Ruoxuan Guo, Kuan Xu, Wenmin Huang, Jiyuan Tian, and Jiang Wu
    In The 43rd International Computer Music Conference, 2017.

Working Experience

Research Intern at Baidu Research
July - Oct., 2015.
July - Oct., 2015.

Worked on mining from spatial-temporal big data, for user analysis, potential customer discovery, and commercial location recommendation.

Academic Services

Journal Reviewer

  • ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
  • Pattern Recognition Letter
  • Knowledge-Based Systems

Conference PC Member

  • CCML 2019, AAAI 2019
  • IJCAI 2020, ECAI 2020
  • IJCAI 2021
  • IJCAI 2022, ICML 2022, NeurIPS 2022
  • AAAI 2023, IJCAI 2023, ICML2023, NeurIPS 2023, ICLR 2023, PAKDD 2023, ECAI 2023
  • AAAI 2024, IJCAI 2024, ICML 2024, NeurIPS 2024, ICLR 2024, PAKDD 2024, ECMLPKDD 2024

Teaching Assistant

For doctoral students; Fall, 2020.
Advances in Artificial Intelligence
For doctoral students
Fall, 2020
For undergraduate students; Spring, 2019.
Programming Basics Experiments
For undergraduate students
Spring, 2019
For graduate and undergraduate students; Spring, 2017.
Introduction to Data Mining
For graduate and undergraduate students
Spring, 2017
For undergraduate students; Spring, 2017.
Basics of Programming
For undergraduate students
Spring, 2017

Awards & Honors

OPPO AI 6G Competition, Third Prize Beijing, China; May, 2022. Beijing, China
May, 2022
Selected in the Program B for Outstanding PhD Candidate of Nanjing University Nanjing University; June, 2021. Nanjing University
June, 2021
Artificial Intelligence Scholarship Nanjing University; Sept., 2018. Nanjing University
Sept., 2018
AAAI Scholarship New Orleans, USA; Feb., 2018. New Orleans, USA
Feb., 2018
Outstanding Graduate of Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong University; June, 2016. Xi'an Jiaotong University
June, 2016
ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest, Silver Medal Shanghai, China; Nov., 2015. Shanghai, China
Nov., 2015
ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest, Silver Medal Guangzhou, China; Nov., 2014. Guangzhou, China
Nov., 2014
China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, First Prize Shaanxi, China; Oct., 2014. Shaanxi, China
Oct., 2014
ACM-ICPC China Provincial Programming Contest, Gold Medal Xi'an, China; Apr., 2013. Xi'an, China
Apr., 2013
ACM-ICPC China Provincial Programming Contest, Gold Medal Chengdu, China; May, 2013. Chengdu, China
May, 2013
National Olympiad in Informatics, Bronze Medal Changchun, China; Aug., 2011. Changchun, China
Aug., 2011