Zheng Xie

Photographed at XJTU in 2016
解铮, Ph.D. ✉️
Currently, I am with Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
I obtained my Ph.D. degree from LAMDA Group at Nanjing University in September 2023, supervised by Prof. Ming Li. Before that, I received my B.Eng. degree in Computer Science and Technology in June 2016 from Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Research Interests. I am interested in topics of machine learning, especially the following aspects:
- AUC Optimization: building models for maximizing AUC from clean or potentially noisy, imbalanced, not fully supervised data.
- Weakly Supervised Learning: dealing with inaccurate, incomplete, inexact supervisions, including positive-unlabeled learning, semi-supervised learning, noisy label learning, etc.
- Learning under Distribution Change: building models for tasks whose test data distribution is different from the training data distribution, including data selection bias, covariate shift, domain adaptation, etc.
- FCSTop Pass: Improve Code Generation by Pass@k-Maximized Code RankingFrontiers of Computer Science, 2024.
Working Experience
Research Intern at Baidu Research
July - Oct., 2015.
July - Oct., 2015.
Worked on mining from spatial-temporal big data, for user analysis, potential customer discovery, and commercial location recommendation.
Academic Services
Journal Reviewer
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
- Pattern Recognition Letter
- Knowledge-Based Systems
Conference PC Member
- CCML 2019, AAAI 2019
- IJCAI 2020, ECAI 2020
- IJCAI 2021
- IJCAI 2022, ICML 2022, NeurIPS 2022
- AAAI 2023, IJCAI 2023, ICML2023, NeurIPS 2023, ICLR 2023, PAKDD 2023, ECAI 2023
- AAAI 2024, IJCAI 2024, ICML 2024, NeurIPS 2024, ICLR 2024, PAKDD 2024, ECMLPKDD 2024
Teaching Assistant
For doctoral students; Fall, 2020.
Advances in Artificial Intelligence
For doctoral students
Fall, 2020
Fall, 2020
For graduate and undergraduate students; Spring, 2017.
Introduction to Data Mining
For graduate and undergraduate students
Spring, 2017
Spring, 2017
- Course Homepage
- Mining Challenge on Kaggle (specifications)
(ends on 15 June, 2017)
For undergraduate students; Spring, 2017.
Basics of Programming
For undergraduate students
Spring, 2017
Spring, 2017
- Course Wiki
- Coding Style Guide for C++ Beginners (in Chinese)
Awards & Honors
OPPO AI 6G Competition, Third Prize Beijing, China; May, 2022. Beijing, China
May, 2022
May, 2022
Selected in the Program B for Outstanding PhD Candidate of Nanjing University Nanjing University; June, 2021. Nanjing University
June, 2021
June, 2021
Artificial Intelligence Scholarship Nanjing University; Sept., 2018. Nanjing University
Sept., 2018
Sept., 2018
AAAI Scholarship New Orleans, USA; Feb., 2018. New Orleans, USA
Feb., 2018
Feb., 2018
Outstanding Graduate of Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi'an Jiaotong University; June, 2016. Xi'an Jiaotong University
June, 2016
June, 2016
ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest, Silver Medal Shanghai, China; Nov., 2015. Shanghai, China
Nov., 2015
Nov., 2015
ACM-ICPC Asia Regional Contest, Silver Medal Guangzhou, China; Nov., 2014. Guangzhou, China
Nov., 2014
Nov., 2014
China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, First Prize Shaanxi, China; Oct., 2014. Shaanxi, China
Oct., 2014
Oct., 2014
ACM-ICPC China Provincial Programming Contest, Gold Medal Xi'an, China; Apr., 2013. Xi'an, China
Apr., 2013
Apr., 2013
ACM-ICPC China Provincial Programming Contest, Gold Medal Chengdu, China; May, 2013. Chengdu, China
May, 2013
May, 2013
National Olympiad in Informatics, Bronze Medal Changchun, China; Aug., 2011. Changchun, China
Aug., 2011
Aug., 2011